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Animal Feed Nutrition Additives

How To Reduce Feed & Treatment Costs

In 2021, corn and soybean prices have been rising steadily. Farm owners are pressured to keep their operations as productive as possible. Antibiotic and medical treatment costs form a major part of expenses. As Malaysia’s poultry and swine farms are key providers of halal meats in the country and in global exports, cutting down on the use of synthetic medicines will improve the consumer demand for the farms’ products. MCO measures have disrupted the food supply chain, impacting the profitability and sustainability of all Malaysian farms.

3 Proven Ways to Lower Feed Costs:

Increasing bioavailability of macro nutrients in feed

Improving animal performance by reducing anti-nutritional components, resulting in improved animal performance

Boosting immunity targeted at young animal with undeveloped organ systems

How Can You Improve Your Farm’s Feed-Cost-Ratio FCR Easily?

Make your feed ingredients work fully using targeted enzymes and healthcare programs to combat stress in young animals!

As a farmer, you know how important absorption of nutrients is. It is a life and death matter.

Our Japanese strains of direct corn and soy-substrate based targeted enzyme systems are used in many Malaysian farms today.

One of the most value-for-quality brand of combination enzymes targeting major nutrient components, farmers using Selfeed CF have consistently achieved uniform growth, lesser spending on costly treatments as well as higher production rate.

Selfeed CF enzymes are efficient in reducing gut viscosity, enhancing nutrient absorption, and reducing bacteria proliferation by enhancing the bioavailability of key nutrients in the intestines.

Why Can’t You Use Any Enzymes Additives In The Market? Are Cheapest Naturally Better?


Feed processing mills involved high temperatures and different methods of pelleting which affect enzymes integrity. Being protein in structure, most enzymes in the vegetative form are very heat-sensitive. 

pH in the gut can be as low as 2 in the stomach, higher in the intestine and colon. As each strain of enzymes have their own optimum pH level, under normal circumstances, enzymes are inactivated by the environments. If the delivery technology of the enzyme source is not well developed, the active enzyme concentration past the stomach will be diminished greatly.

Moisture from steam injection in the pelleting process affect the stability and coating of enzymes.


With multiple factors affecting in-feed enzyme recovery, the performance of an enzyme formula is indicative from consistent results with at the same dosing range over a long period of usage records.

With consistent results, the enzyme blend will render the feed cost more effective in a predictable manner.

Juhalim Biotech Sdn Bhd has served Malaysian farms since 1986. 36 years on, we are focused on providing quality feed nutrition to maximize production and feed efficiency to all farms.

Are single enzymes or combination enzymes better at reducing feed cost?

Mr Tan, Farm Manager

These are frequently asked questions by integrated farms with their own feed mills, or feed mill formulators who are looking into ways and means to be more cost-effective without affecting quality outcomes.

There are several considerations to this popular topic:
🤔 What are the main antinutrients in the feed?

🙋 Non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs) and Phytates – complex structures in which combination enzymes will act better to break down compared to single enzymes, making nutrients more bioabsorbable.

🤔 Are feed substrates pure?

🙋 They are made up of mixed components of larger structures requiring different enzyme actions. Multi-combination enzyme complex will work synergistically in breaking down feed substrates to different types of nutrients for growth and development of the monogastric or ruminant animals.

🤔 Are the enzymes tolerant to conditions outside and inside the animal to exert activity in the right place?

🙋 If the enzymes are released from exposure to moisture, denatured by the pelleting process, have insufficient active concentration before it reaches its target site, it doesn’t matter if the enzymes are single or combination complex.

Odour Pollution Bothering Your Farm’s Sustainability?

Naturally reduce the ammonia buildup in your farm with Selfeed CF enzymes. With less undigested proteins passing into the large intestines, odour will be much more controlled.

Improving organ development and immune systems from birth

We bring researched programs and products like Japanese enzyme technology and early nutrition program for young chicks and piglets to cope with the growing demands on protein and improve feed efficiency due to rising feed costs.

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